SOL - first 16 lessons

SOL - first 16 lessons

Normally timely practice does pre assessment before teaching - which takes 4 lessons - there is no time for this before the early entry exam. 

So some topics will be pre assessed by the teacher, via the pre assess assignments - found in the table below.

Learners who attend and complete a pre assess assignment every lesson will be taught most optimally, as the teacher will be able to see the learners firm learning foundations in the progress on topic.

Meanwhile the teacher will add this SOL to the timely practice app, so

  • the teacher can plan who learns which small bite from each topic from the appropriate progress on topic from lesson 6 onwards,
  • faster working learners can revise topics which there won't be time to teach them, in tandem with the pre assess process (they will find out what they have partially forgotten, and can revise independently),
  • those learners who wish to do early entry exam, but where the teacher is unsure if this will be the in the learners best interest, can demonstrate their hard work and readiness via the data within each progress on topic.


  • not all the learners will learn the same activities,
  • not all the learners will be listening to the teacher at the same time, so think how you will avoid projecting your voice and disrupting the other learners ability to concentrate when only teaching a small group (suggestions are: print out example Q on A3, use a flip chart or stand alone computer, change seating plans to suit)

OK to share with learners

The answers for the pre assess and homework are not loaded here, so you may share this link with learners, so they can catch up with lessons missed.

Scheme of learning 

Each lesson starts with the learners doing a pre assess assignment (see the 4th column).

The teacher will teach small groups only one layer per topic and use the pre assess information from either the assessmentSS or form the progress on topic within the app to decide which learners should learn which layer.

Sometimes there is an additional activity e.g. review homework or the pep talks in lessons 1, 3 and 4.

In L5, 11, 12 and 13 some learners learn 2 topics.

Not all learners will keep up with the pace of work - these will be learners who won't take early entry - so the teachers task is to keep them coming to lessons, which will mean that the learners must not be made to feel overloaded. To do this

  • allow learners to complete their homework in class (if they haven't done it for homework)
  • reduce their Pace for Practice within the timely practice app to e.g. 70%

Learners should begin to feel more successful, once they are only taught and expected to practice skills on firm learning foundations, so the reduction of number of questions in their assignment (and being "nice" about the homework) gives the best chance of keeping them on board, while the scheme of learning favours the early entry candidates. Once the November exams are finished,

  • the scheme of learning can be targeted to suit the class, 
  • the pace of learning can be targeted to suit the learners (so e.g. some learners will learn 2 topics per lesson and others only one).

Homework need not be set after the 16 weeks, although obviously by not doing homework learners reduce their chance of increasing their grade.

One strategy is to ask learners "would you like me to create you a homework assignment for next lesson?" Sometimes, when the learner feels they have made a choice (rather than grumbling that "I never wanted to do GCSE retake maths anyway") they may be more likely to do outside of lesson work. (Let's not call it homework, allow the learner to call it e.g. waiting for my sister where there is no mobile reception work etc). If the teacher can keep each learner attending and working in lessons, rather than skipping lessons because the learner hasn't done their homework, more learning will take place and there will be a less stressful working atmosphere for all learners within the class. 

Another strategy is to email or drop box etc homework to concerned parents, siblings, or even a best mate who is willing.

For most learners in the class, this will be their last year of studying maths. Wouldn't it be great if the learners in the class were able to report

"I'm not actually as bad at maths as I thought I was, once I'm learning of firm foundations, I can be quite proud of my achievements"

rather than becoming e.g. parents who have maths anxiety and pass it on to their children?

Teacher activitiespractise-learn resourcespre assesshomeworkfaster or diligent
  1. pepTalk1.mp4why.pdf
  2. ratio1n4.notebook (support.mp4)
  3. allow time to supervise preL1







additional pre assess assignment

  1. review h/w
  2. enlargeTL3.pdf (scaffold of 5) OR
  3. enlargeTL6.pdf (state transformation = enlarge) OR
  4. enlargeTL5.pdf (draw enlarged, no centre)




enlarge6.pdf + enlarge6how.pdf

a timely practice pre assess assignment with  10 questions hw2.pdf

learner may ask for an additional pre assess assignment for homework

  1. review h/w + pepTalk2.mp4
  2. standardFormTL2.pdfTL6.pdf (write standard form as ordinary number or v.v. only positive index) OR
  3. standardFormTL8.pdfTL9.pdf (adjust from bad standard form to correct standard form)








a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions but first de/increase Pace for Practice so that all learners can finish their pre assess assignment within e.g. 20 minutes of the lesson. hw3.pdf

learner may ask for an additional pre assess assignment for homework

  1. review h/w + pepTalk3.mp4
  2. probabilitySingleTL5.pdf and/or TL7.pdf (probability of not and draw on probability line) OR
  3. probabilitySingleTL9.pdf (estimate probability from a number of different trials)




a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions OR

preL2.pdf will need to be completed if topics fractionXdiv and simplestForm are not fully assessed


learner may ask for an additional pre assess assignment for homework

  1. review h/w
  2. fractionXdivTL2.pdf (x, no simplify) AND
  3. simplestFormTL2.pdfTL4.pdf (methods for poor + good division skills respectively) OR
  4. fractionXdivTL6.pdf (÷, no simplify)

(x easy) fractionXdiv2.pdf

(why it works) fractionXdiv1.pdf

(÷ easy) fractionXdiv6.pdf

(easier) simplestForm2.pdf 

(harder) simplestForm4.pdf

(simplify after x) fractionXdiv7.pdf

(simplify after ÷) fractionXdiv8.pdf

a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions OR

preL3.pdf will need to be completed if the topics  frequencyTable and solve are not fully assessed


learner may ask for an additional pre assess assignment for homework

  1. review h/w
  2. frequencyTableTL7.pdf (complete frequency tree) OR
  3. T frequencyTableTL4_5.pdf (simple probability) AND
  4. fractionADDsub (for faster working learners only, select using progress on this topic) 

(tree) frequencyTable7.pdf

(simple prob) frequencyTable4.pdf

see fractionADDsub 

a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions hw6.pdflearner may ask for an additional pre assess assignment for homework
  1. T make algebra concrete + balance method to solve AND
  2. T solve by inverse operations AND
  3. T small groups solve (retiring soon) (select using progress on this topic)

see solve (retiring soon) 

support for 

a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions OR

preL4.pdf will need to be completed if the topics  simplifySD and simplify PQ and  expandQuadratic are not fully assessed

hw7.pdflearner may ask for an additional pre assess assignment for homework
  1. simplifySD to fill gaps up to 6 (just 1 layer per learner) AND
  2. simplifyPQ to fill gaps up to 6 (just 1 layer per learner) OR
  3. expandLinear (up to layer 5 and only to those who already knew simplifyPQ up to 6 and simplifySD up to 6)
  4. review h/w inverses
  5. expandQuadratic (only if already knows expandLinear to layer 5)
  6. review h/w balance method


a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions OR

(FYI there is no preL5.pdf)

preL6.pdf will need to be completed if  factorise and expandQuadratic are not fully assessed


learner may ask for an additional timely practice (retrieval practice) or pre assess assignment for homework

The app will only be able to create this a retrieval practice assignment a fortnight after the first topic is fully pre assessed

  1. expandLinear (if didn't learn last lesson) OR
  2. factorise (if did learn expandLinear last lesson)


a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions OR

preL7.pdf will need to be started if  scatter is not fully assessed

hw9.pdfbegin practice paper for L10 h/w early
  1. review simplify + expand h/w
  2. scatterTL2_3.pdf
  3. review factorise h/w



or harder exam Q

a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions OR

preL7.pdf will need to be completed if  factor is not fully assessed

select a practice papercontinue practice paper


  1. prime to fill gaps up to 6
  2. primeTL8.pdf (HCF, only if up to prime 5 mastered) OR
  3. multipleTL6.pdf or multipleTL9.pdf (LCM) (i.e. HCF or LCM not both) AND
  4. T scaleInterpret (14) if up to layer 11 mastered OR
  5. scaleInterpretTL8.pdf or TL9.pdf if 11 not mastered and if sufficient lesson time


a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions hw11.pdfbegin practice paper for L15 h/w early
  1. If MMMRQgrouped is not fully pre assessed use L12warmUp.pdf to help decide whether to teach MMMRQgroupedTL2.pdf or TL3.pdf OR
  2. MMMRQgroupedTL4.pdf or TL5.pdf OR
  3. Offer L12NCskills.pdf if decimalFraction, fractionOF and percentOF are not fully pre assessed for any early entry learners OR
  4. T a decimalFraction or fractionOF (retiring soon) or percentOF (retiring soon) skill
  5. self assess h/w 11


a timely practice pre assess assignment with norminally 10 questions 

hw12.pdfcontinue practice paper for L15 h/w early
  1. L13CALC.pdf
  2. T a missing MMMRQseparate skill OR
  3. MMMRQgroupedTL6.pdf
  4. (Fast only) T more index skill


No more pre assess until after the 3 practice papers have been completedhw13.pdfcontinue practice paper for L15 h/w early
  1. L14warmUp.pdf
  2. proportionalFormulaNCtl1.pdf

see proportionalFormulaNC

No more pre assess until after the 3 practice papers have been completedhw14.pdfbegin practice paper for L16 h/w early
  1. T surds to decimals button
  2. T 3 topics chosen by early entry candidates WHILE
  3. Other learners do more pre assess or retrieval practice assignments
select from FDPR as CALCNo more pre assess until after the 3 practice papers have been completedselect a practice papercontinue practice paper for L16 h/w early
  1. T FDPR of CALC (3, 4) for all
  2.  T y=4x-3TABLE.mp4 + link to sequence for early entry
  3. T solve (6, 8) using TABLE for early entry WHILE
  4. Other learners do more pre assess assignments



word problems 

from FDPR of CALC

or FDPRproblemNC



No more pre assess until after the 3 practice papers have been completedselect a practice paperpractice paper for L16 h/w 

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