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First pre assess + teach one topic per lesson, until some learners are fully pre assessed.
Then learners who are fully pre assessed can then learn 2 topics in most lessons, whilst their peers continue with pre assess + learn one topic.
Finally once all learners are fully pre assessed most learners can learn 2 topics per lesson but some slower paced learners will only learn one topic per lesson.
most low prior attainment learners have ingrained “I can’t do this” beliefs about learning integer skills - so the very learners we want to prepare for learning other topics, by teaching integer skills, are the learners who are least likely to learn - if we teach these skills first because integer is the most shaming topic theme not to be able to learn - so most learners will prefer not to compare what integer skills they have with their peers - this is easier if pre assess of integer is staggered,
once learners have begin to trust that maths teaching is very likely to become embedded maths learning, then teaching integer skills is most likely to be effective.
The lowest attainers will finish pre assess first (perhaps within 2 weeks) because the less learners, know the quicker the pre assess process is. These learners they can learn a second topic each lesson, whilst the other learners are doing longer assignments, meaning the teacher will be able to give more teaching time to “fix misconceptions”. Once the whole class is learning integer through timely practice for the first time, the lowest attaining learners may already on their second spiral of learning integer skills.
Order to add topic themes and topics to scheme of learning in the app
Some topics won’t be added to the SOL until most of the first cycle of the curriculum has been taught. Remember that this assessment process will help embed learning more deeply, learning which is gradually being forgotten.
Lesson 1
Before lesson: The teacher will make the best use of their time in the first lesson, by doing assessment during this lesson, since no new teaching is taking place.
We have no idea how fast learners can answer pre assess questions, so the L1 assignments will contain questions from FDPR and algebra topic themes - the 2 first topic we will teach. Some learners may not have time to complete the Saturday assignment - which contains questions on later topic themes.
Create 2 assignments per learner (as we have no idea of the learners pace of learning).
Add learners (recommend ordered by First Name) add the First and Family Names but consider using an anonymised Known as Name e.g. the letter A to Z (we want to share the process, but not personal data)+ give best estimate of Level for Learner
Add the SOL for the first curriculum cycle see the “expand” above.
Create a planning and preparation session, and change the date to L1
Create t.p. for all learners with 10Q and only include pre assess questions
Create a planning and preparation session, and change the date to Saturday’s date
Create t.p. for all learners with 15Q (Saturday’s date). and only include pre assess questions
Download and print the L1 and Saturday assignments.
Print out the maths motivation survey (a copy for all learners and a few spares)
Gather some extra time filler worksheets - just in case any learners - despite our best efforts, finish both assignments.
Make sure you’ll have the tablet to take into the lesson, so you can do some assessment
Maths motivation survey
Introduce the maths motivation survey purpose: to find out if learners can become more motivated in maths, if learners can remember more maths.
Instructions: it is important learners first decide which answer is best (left or right) and then colour in 1, 2 or 3 boxes to say how strongly they agree with each answer.
When the first learner has finished their survey, check they’ve not answered only in the left hand column (a sign they didn’t fully understand the instructions), if so show them how they might need to change it. If correctly filled out, interrupt the class to explain what they will all do when they have finished.
Pep talk before doing timely practice assignment
Purpose 1: to find out the “goldilocks” place to begin teaching them each topic - it’s not a test, there are no scores, and the teacher will explain more about this over the next few lessons. That’s why the heading is learned and remembered?
Purpose 2: to revise skills and knowledge that you already know, to help you remember for longer.
What to do when you can’t answer a question → Learner may “have a go” or write a ? in the answer space.
What to do when learner has finished their assignment → Learner hand up and ask for next assignment. Teacher will collect completed assignments, give the learner another to do (and the teacher may assess some assignments in the lesson).
Why not copy? → Learners will have different questions (so they can’t copy) + because learner will make it harder for themselves to learn in future lessons + there is no point, because there is no score.
Doing personalised timely practice assignments
Give out the L1 assignment (L1 date) and sort the Saturday assignments by first name (to make it easier to find them).
TOP TIP keep 2 piles of assignments L1 and Saturday (with the assessed assignments reversed at the back of each pile).
Note the time the learners start their assignments.
Note how long it takes for the majority of learners finish the first 10Q assignment - this will set Pace for Practice of 100%
Once learners ask for a second assignment, the teacher can begin to assess the first assignment (on the android device, remember tap with your non-writing hand and tick/bell with your writing hand).
Finish the lesson
A few minutes before the end of the lesson, note the time again and calculate the total time the learners had to complete both assignments.
Encourage learners to check through their assignment for any questions they have missed out which they forgot to write a ? in the answer space - and write the ? in. Tell them that they needn’t do this for questions which they “haven’t had time for” as you know you gave them more questions than you thought they could answer.
If you have time, you can scan through the assignments and divide them into 3 piles as you collect them in, according to the proportion of questions “complete” i.e. answered or with a ? (or indeed any other comment) written in the answer space.
not started,
up to “about half”
“well over half”
FYI keep the completed assignments for use in lesson 5
Lesson 2
In the app, in the planning and preparation session for lesson 1 (yes lesson 1, for assessing the L1 assignments)
Assess t.p. all remaining L1 assignments (some may have been assessed in the lesson). Hopefully almost all learners who were present completed their L1 assignment
If any learners were really slow working and did have time to complete this assignment: assess all missed questions with reset symbol (3rd assessment choice)
use the number of minutes taken for most learners to complete the 10Q assignment you noted from lesson 1 to calculate the Pace for Practice for the class (see the expand box below for how to do this)
put all the assessed L1 assignments aside (dump them in a big pile ready for lesson 5)
Get a piece of coloured card (so you can easily find it later!) and write the title Absent Learner List, write down the date of L1 as a subheading and then write down the names of any learners who were absent. (If all has gone well, you’ll have 2 assignments a L1 and a Saturday assignment for these learners).
Sort the Saturday assignments into 3 piles, according to the proportion of questions “complete” i.e. answered or with a ? (or indeed any other comment) written in the answer space.
not started - no need to assess, but calculate and change these learner’s Pace for Practice + write these learners under Saturdays date on the absent learner card + keep these ready for next lesson
“well over half” - assess the assignments (select the Planning and preparation session for Saturday’s date and select Assess t.p. ) Assess any not attempted questions with reset symbol (3rd assessment choice) and change these learners Pace for Practice + put all the assessed Saturday assignments aside (dump them in a big pile ready for lesson 5)
up to “about half” - just calculate the Pace for Practice, and record it, you’ll use it next lesson, but don’t bother assessing these + write these learners under Saturdays date on the absent learner card + keep these assignments ready for next lesson
Order these and the other un-assessed Saturday assignments, by first name (so they are easy to find) to the next lesson and put with your resources for next lesoon
In the app create a new planning and preparation session and change the date, to the date of L2
Go to the Create t.p. and uncheck all the learners in the Absent Learner list for L1 (they already have an assignment, so shouldn’t have another created) then click to create a new assignment (either 15Q or use the “nominal minutes per question of the 100% Pace for Practice” to calculate the “nominal number of questions”, for the time you’ll allocate - expect the calculator skills and explanations to take 30 minutes)
Download these and print them out.
For the teaching part of the lesson, you will need at least 1 scientific calculator per pair of learners, source these
Print out these worksheets as follows:
calculatorSkills: pre assess sheet, 1&2&3, 5&6&7 (1 of each for every learner)
FDPRproblemYC1 (enough for one between two)
Gather some extra time filler worksheets - just in case any learners finish early - see lesson 1 - or use your own.
The Pace for Practice (P4P) is a percentage
faster answering learners should have over 100% - so they will be set more questions than their peers
slower answering learners should have less than 100% - so they will be set fewer questions than their peers.
Here is a how to calculate (and when not to bother calculating) the Pace for Practice:
In the first lesson, you were asked to note how long it takes for the majority of learners finish the first 10Q assignment. It’s likely that many students will finish within a minute or two of each other (this gives us our nominal question rate, which corresponds to a Pace for Practice of 100%)
FYI by “complete” we mean try to answer the question or write ?, if the learner doesn’t understand the question, can’t remember the method etc
FYI We’ve found it takes about as long for a learner to not be able to answer a question, as answer it.
Example one
Example 2
Example one
Example 2
The majority of learners finished 10Q in 16 minutes,
giving nominal 100% in Pace for Practice as 1.6 min/Q
The learners had 25 minutes to do both their assignments
The majority of learners finished 10Q in 19 minutes,
giving nominal 100% in Pace for Practice as 1.9 min/Q
The learners had 35 minutes to do both their assignments
Slowest answerer:
Total 8Q in 25 minutes = 3.13 min/Q
P4P = 100 x 1.6/3.13 = 51% so 50%
Slowest answerer:
Total 8Q in 35 minutes = 4.38 min/Q
P4P = 100 x 1.9/4.38 = 43.4% so 40%
Middle-ish answerer:
Total 16Q in 25 minutes = 1.67 min/Q
P4P = 100 x 1.6/1.67 = 95.8% so 100%
Middle-ish answerer:
Total 20Q in 35 minutes = 1.75 min/Q
P4P = 100 x 1.9/1.75 = 108.6% so 110%
Fastest answerer:
Total 25Q in 25 minutes = 1 min/Q
P4P = 100 x 1.6/1 = 160%
Fastest answerer:
Total 23Q in 35 minutes = 1.52 min/Q
P4P = 100 x 1.9/1.52 = 125% so 130%
Most of the students will “complete” roughly the same number of questions, so no need to work out their P4P (pace for practice).
Most of the students will “complete” roughly the same number of questions, so no need to work out their P4P (pace for practice).
It takes up to 4 create/”complete”/assess rounds to fully pre assess a topic. Some learners need to answer more questions on a topic than others (the more they know the more questions they need to answer). The app works it way through the topics in the teaching order suggested. Some learners will be fully pre assessed on
In the first 4 lessons, we’ll look to assess each assignment completely - with questions that the learner didn’t get time to answer, being assessed as “reset”. This will mean:
we can quickly assess everybody (who is in class) on the topics we plan to teach soon,
we won’t have to faff about with “finish assignment and then start this assignment” which with disorganised and disaffected learners leads to “lost” assignments.
Since all the questions are pre assess, learners can just write ? on the answer line (or indeed any other message) they needn’t answer any questions they are not sure about. However some learners are not comfortable with this, so they may need a bit of guidance.
Teach some calculator skills
Put the learners in pairs, if they need to share a scientific calculator.
Students complete the pre assess sheet - move around classroom, showing any students the S-D (surds to decimals) button if necessary for the scientific calculator you have.
Students self assess the pre assess sheet and decide which worksheet to complete next
Students then complete one of the following: calculatorSkills1&2&3, calculatorSkills5&6&7 or FDPRproblemYC1 - again show the students where any “hard to find buttons are” on their scientific calculator
As soon as one student finishes, stop the class and explain the purpose of the second half of the lesson:
Reminder pep talk about doing timely practice assignments
Purpose 1: to find out the “goldilocks” place to begin teaching them each topic - it’s not a test, there are no scores, and the teacher will explain more about this over the next few lessons. That’s why the heading is learned and remembered?
Purpose 2: to revise skills and knowledge that you already know, to help you remember for longer.
What to do when you can’t answer a question → Learner may “have a go” or write a ? in the answer space.
What to do when learner has finished their assignment → Learner hand up and ask for next assignment. Teacher will collect completed assignments, give the learner another to do (and the teacher may assess some assignments in the lesson).
Why not copy? → Learners will have different questions (so they can’t copy) + because learner will make it harder for themselves to learn in future lessons + there is no point, because there is no score.
Doing personalised timely practice assignments
Students complete the assignment dated for L2 (or L1 if they were absent last lesson)
If learners finish early, some will have a Saturday assignment they can try next (others should have a longer assignments because of their higher Pace for Practice).
If too many have finished early and have nothing else to do, use the filler activity
Finish the assignments
Encourage learners to check through their assignment for any questions they have missed out which they forgot to write a ? in the answer space - and write the ? in. Tell them that they needn’t do this for questions which they “haven’t had time for” as you know you gave them more questions than you thought they could answer.
End of lesson filler activity
Ask some questions, “hands up if you…”
found some questions too easy?
found some questions too hard?
couldn’t answer some questions that you’ve learned before?
recognised some questions which were very similar to questions from last lesson?
Reassure this is what you expect. Continue to explain: “If you answered a question correctly last lesson, you will get a similar question to answer next lesson. This will help the timely practice app be sure of what skills you already know from each topic. Next lesson I (your teacher) will start using this data to make teaching and learning easier”
Lesson 3
In the app,
In the planning and preparation session for L2
Put aside L2 assignments for any learners absent this lesson - add the L2 date to the Absent Learner List (it’s on coloured card) and write these learners names below
Assess t.p. all L2 assignments, assess all missed questions with reset symbol (3rd assessment choice) + dump them in a big pile ready for lesson 5
Are there any learners who were absent for L1, but in last lesson? - if so: cross their names off the Absent Learner List for both L1 and Saturday + select the planning and preparation session for L1 and Assess t.p. these assignments, remembering to assess all missed questions with reset symbol (3rd assessment choice)
Are there any learners who were absent for L1 and L2 ? Put aside the L1 and Saturday assignments ready to take to the next lesson.
Are there any other assignments with Saturday’s date on? - if so, select Saturday’s Planning and Preparation session and Assess t.p. these now, remembering to assess all missed questions with reset symbol (3rd assessment choice) + cross out these names from the Saturday section of the Absent Learner List + adjust the Pace for Practice (calculated after last lesson) + dump them in a big pile ready for lesson 5.
For Saturday’s Planning and preparation session, check Assess t.p. the list in the app should only contain learners who were absent for L1 and L2, check that the physical assignments for Saturday match with these and edit the Absent Learner List if it doesn’t match.
Now prepare for calculator skills review 1
Print out review questions for calculator skills you’ll need.
Get the scientific calculators out ready for the lesson.
Prepare how you will show the self-assessment answers (perhaps show them on a whiteboard?)
Decide how long you think this activity will take in the lesson.
Now prepare for L3 pre assess and timely practice demonstration
Create a new planning and preparation session and change the date to L3’s date
In the Plan Teaching section, choose the topic ratio, this is likely to be most advanced in the assessment process. Take a snapshot of ratio’s dashboard (try to take it without the learners' names showing, but showing the layer numbers).
Next lesson you’ll show the class this and explain what it means. So here’s what you might say/ draw a key on the whiteboard etc
White squares show where the app has found a layer (a bite of learning) which the learner doesn’t know well enough to be able to answer questions independently and accurately
Blue squares show where the app has found a layer (a bite of learning) which the learner can answer questions independently and accurately
Medium and darker grey squares show layers where the app needs to find out more.
Light grey squares show layers which the app hasn’t decided on what to do yet
Now think of some questions you can ask the learners e.g.
How many learners can definitely answer layer 1 questions? (it’s the number of blue squares in row 1)
How many learners definitely need to learn how to answer layer 1 questions? (it’s the number of white squares in row 1)
How many learners have answered one question correctly from layer 1, but the app still needs to ask another question? (it’s the darkest grey squares in row 1)
Describe to me how I could find which learners will have a ratio question in this lesson’s assignment: (it’s the ones with the dark or medium grey squares in row 1)
You may want to use/summarise the table below for this demonstration too.
Repeat 2. but with the topics decimalFraction, and fractionINTRO no need to think up any questions for this though.
Guess how much time this activity will take.
Calculate how many minutes, and therefore the nominal number of questions which should be in the L3 assignment.
Adjust the Pace for Practice for any learners who it seems wrong for
Now go to Create t.p. + deselect any learners who are still on the L1 or L2 Absent Learner List, they still have an assignment, enter the “nominal number of questions + create + download + print these assignments
Tests and exams
Assessment with timely practice
Tests and exams
Assessment with timely practice
Data collected
Score e.g. 12/20
Teacher can do time consuming data analysis to find out e.g. who already knows a particular skill
Which skills you
have learned and remembered
are best learned later
What the data can be used for
Score - to compare you with your peers
Teacher data analysis - what to teach the class soon, providing the teacher has time to look through past papers.
To decide what
to skills to assess next e.g. harder/easier skills
to teach each learner next at “goldilocks' difficulty
skills to double check that you really have already learned and remembered and/or that you have remembered the skills you learned last lesson which will
make the skills easier to remember
means the teacher can help you learn to remember or be more accurate or read the questions better
means the teacher might, by helping you, sometimes find out which other skill you need to learn first.
All in all the data will be used to make sure that learning is as efficient as possible.
Lesson 4
Show the snapshot of decimalFraction dashboard to the class - explain what it shows (if layer 1 is: white - learn layer 1, if blue - learn layer 2, if grey - do more pre assess). Explain that the app is continuing to build up information for other topics every time the teacher assesses the assignments and that the class is likely to learn this topic three times during the year, so learners who were absents for a pre assess lesson, or who need to do more pre assess will learn more on this topic next term if not before.
Give out mini-white boards and pens.
Teach layer 1 and give out the practise-learn worksheet for layer 1 (to the appropriate learners) and continue to teach layer 2 to those who are to learn layer 2. Encourage imagining shading in a 100 square to help them if they get stuck - perhaps cut up some 2cm graph paper which they can use as an aid memoire?.
Ask learners to ask for the answers when they have finished their practise-learn worksheet, they should self-assess and then continue with their assignments as before.
Lesson 5
Start with a timely practice assignment, as learners enter welcome them, indicate their assignment and say that a timer will go off before the end of the lesson for a different activity.
Filler activity
When the timer goes off, ask learners to hand in their assignments, they may be able to continue in a little while, but first they will look at the work they’ve completed to date (your going to get the learners to put their assessed assignments in their folder, and you don’t want their current assignment to get lost amongst the others!). Depending on the type of folder you have, you may want to hole punch the assignments in advance with the kind of hole-punch which has a bar, to help centre the holes).
Ask learners to give out old assessed assignments to their peers.
Give out the learners folders.
Ask learners to look at their assessed assignments - and be pleased with questions they got correct (tell them this will help them remember better)
Engage the class in questions about pre assess e.g. hands up if you had (or point on a page to)
a question in the retrieval practice section? (discuss what this means, next lesson they might get feedback if they need it)
a question with algebra (letters or shapes that stand for numbers)?
a question with a decimal point?
a question with a graph?
a question with a fraction?
a similar question to a question you had last lesson?
a question with a shape?
a question with a ruler?
Ask if learners are finding their questions
“more goldilocks” (not too easy, not too hard) or “less goldilocks” than the first lesson?
Take in the folders.
Review2 of calculator skills
If time, give out the assignments learners to see how many of the remaining questions in their assignment they can finish before the end of the lesson. Else do a whole class filler activity.
Lesson 6
Layer 3 is the most critical layer - do learners know how to write a fraction, from a diagram? Learners who don’t know how to do this, should probably be taught in a small group (but there is no reason, why they can’t “watch” the teaching of layer 4 or higher layers). Some learners can answer questions on harder layers, but not layer 3 (because they confuse the standard fraction notation, with e.g. a “bookies way of describing fractions e.g. writing 2/3 instead of 2/5”), learning layer 3 is, in these cases, even more important.
Lesson 7 and onwards
Several topics from FDPR have been excluded for the first curriculum spiral. This is done to make teaching and learning easier - guidance is given about when to introduce these is given below, under the heading “Second Curriculum Spiral”
Teach Topic Theme: Algebra
This is deliberately made far simpler than the teacher might expect
For layer 1 - learners don’t need to plot coordinates, nor continue tables of values - they merely need to draw a line segment through the given points across the full width of the graph paper. So don’t discount this topic as “too hard”.
For layer 2, the learner doesn’t need to be able to plot coordinates, better that they use “go right one square and up (or down) … squares”. This helps the learner to get a natural sense of gradient, and find errors in their plotting of graphs later.
This helps learners get a sense of negative number, so is valuable to teach this topic.
With timely practice this is “just as hard to teach a spread of attainment” as with traditional maths teaching, but often there isn’t a wide spread of attainment, in the below 15th percentile classes.
The teacher might like to teach layer 1 to the whole class (or all the class that haven’t yet mastered layer 4) as
it gets the sense of why inverse operations can be useful, and avoids all poor numeracy skills. Model the function diagram as well as the block diagram, if any learners have mastered layer 3 or above, and encourage learners to solve the questions if they can BUT they must write the 3 possible equations.
it makes teaching the topic easier in the first curriculum spiral.
Topic Theme: Geometry/Measure
For low attaining learners its worth taking a screenshot of the numberX10etc dashboard - to see what learners already know - although learners may be able to learn without the skills listed below:
layer 1: no need to multiply by 10
layer 2: will find easier if numberX10etc layer 4 is mastered
layer 3 and 4: will find easier if numberX10etc layer 10 is mastered
Have tracing paper ready + be ready to show how to use it (using a flip chart rather than a whiteboard may help).
Share strategies on how to tell left from right?
The common misconception is counting the squares between the two shapes.
Have tracing paper ready + be ready to show how to use it (using a flip chart rather than a whiteboard may help).
Encourage slowly turning the page to check if diagrams are correct
It is quite helpful if only the lowest attaining learners are learning volume together, as far more learners than one expects don’t know how to visualise in 3D from an isometric drawing. Having multlink available and colouring the cubes in the diagram to match might help.
FYI perimeter is saved for next term.
There are a number of layers building up to “area of rectangle = width** times height”, this is partly because low attaining learners don’t know many times table facts, but also IMHO one can’t remain a low attaining learner if one can use the power of multiply (and v.v.)
** FYI I find that using the length times width adds unnecessary confusion for many learners, as it muddles with width, depth and height measurements of furniture and the generic us of length.
It is quite helpful if only the lowest attaining learners are learning layer 1 and 2 without teaching harder layers - using scale factor has a high working memory load, so encourage learners to show their workings out.
“oh, here we go, along the xylophone and up or down the yoyo” is useful - whereas - “along the corridor and up the stairs” has many misconceptions waiting to trap the unwary!
Make sure you pronounce the solid names, and then get learners to parrot them back.
Have tracing paper ready + be ready to show how to use it (using a flip chart rather than a whiteboard may help).
Topic Themes: Integer
Primary schools are excellent at teaching this, so if there are problems with this skill - the small bite approach will hopefully help fix them.
There are many layers which lead the learner gently towards traditional prime questions.
For learners with poor division skills, gently learning these skills helps with learning so many harder topics, so do give this topic a go - check out how easy layer 1 is.
Imagine how hard learning maths would be without these skills. Usually this needs to be paired with another skill, as many find this topic easy.
probability and statistics topics
These questions tend to engender a lot of shame, as learners may have been failing at these for many years. The small bite approach really helps fix this.
Accessible even to learners who can’t write a fraction correctly yet
Excellent for fixing place value issues which counting hasn’t resolved
Second curriculum spiral
Most learners will be better off only learning one new topic in the last maths lesson of the week + given a slightly longer assignment - so some of these topic pairs will need to be split up. However it is sometimes possible to use the last lesson of the week as an opportunity to teach a harder topic as the second topic to more highly attaining and faster working learners.
The order of teaching within the topic theme is not very important - so change the order when it suits.
Try to keep the pairs of “everybody learns” + “only faster pace for practice learners” as suggested below
FDPR again
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
low attaining learners learn extra integer or nothing extra**
low attaining learners learn extra integer or nothing extra**
low attaining learners learn extra integer or nothing extra**
low attaining learners learn extra integer or nothing extra**
skip this lesson if no one is ready for these topics
** faster learning low attaining learners can have an additional timely practice assignment - ideally with a weekend date
Geometry/Measure again
Add these topics to be pre assessed only if any learner has mastered the stated layers from the topics indicated below:
perimeter in KS3 only if area (3) is mastered by ALL learners, in KS4 add this topic now
shapeProblem NC only if givenSUBsign (3) is mastered
angle only if scaleInterpret (5) is mastered
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
alternate topic order after most master scaleInterpret (5)
alternate topic order after most master scaleInterpret (5)
alternate topic order after most master coordinates (5)
don’t teach perimeter until area (3) mastered
shapeProblem NC
low attaining learners learn extra integer or nothing extra**
** faster learning low attaining learners can have an additional timely practice assignment - ideally with a weekend date
Algebra again
Add these topics to be pre assessed only if any learner has mastered the stated layers from the topics indicated below:
expandLinear only if simplifyPQ (1) is mastered
expandQuadratic only if simplifyPQ (2) and expandLinear (4) are mastered
factorise only if expandLinear (4) is mastered
solve only if solvingReady (3) is mastered
Here are suggested pairs of topics to teach in a lesson
everybody learns
faster pace of practice learners
everybody learns
faster pace of practice learners
when all master sequenceArithmetic (4), OK to swap priority
fill with an integer topic until ready for valueAlgebra
when most master simplifySD (5), OK to swap priority
fill with an integer topic
only if some learners are ready to learn expandQuadratic
fill with an integer topic
only if some learners are ready to learn expandQuadratic
The layer sequenceOther(4), can accessed at different levels of differentiation, side steps the topic not fully pre assessed problem.
make the patterns with manipulatives (such as centicubes or counters) or trace the patterns,
complete as a “copying the drawings” and doing the “adding on” activity (possibly with some support),
if learners are able to do the practise-learn worksheets independently, this layer should be added within the Plan Teaching section of the lesson BUT if this topic is taught within the same lesson as the first pre assess assignment, it can’t be added in plan teaching (and hence go into retrieval practice) until the second lesson, (because it is being pre assessed). Only add the layer within Plan Teaching + verify in Edit Taught for learners who engage with it as described with this, the 3rd level of differentiation
Integer again
Add these topics to be pre assessed only if any learner has mastered the stated layers from the topics indicated below:
beginXfacts only if givenXsign (1) is mastered
base10skills only if numberX10etc (4) is mastered
beginDIVfacts only if fractionOF (4) is mastered
factor and BiDMAS only if givenXsign (3) is mastered
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
10 bond or BiDMAS
swap priority once mastered 10bond
base10add or givenSUBsign
swap priority once mastered givenSUBsign (10)
place100value9999 or factor
givenADDsign or prime
swap priority once mastered givenADDsign
sequenceMUltiple or givenXsign
beginXfacts or improveXfacts
orderInteger or beginDIVfacts or improveDIVfacts
practice times table facts learned this spiral
Probability/Statistics again
Add these topics to be pre assessed only if any learner has mastered the stated layers from the topics indicated below:
groupedGraph and scatter only if discreteGraph (4) or algebraGraph (4) is mastered
MMMRQgrouped only if MMMRQ (2) and (3) and (5) are mastered by at least one learner
probabilityTree only if fractionINTRO (4) is mastered
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
everybody learns
only faster pace for practice learners
nothing else
this topic tends to be time consuming to learn
groupedGraph or probabilityTree
extra FDPR topic
skip this lesson if no one is ready to learn MMMRQgrouped
Third curriculum spiral
If there is time for this spiral and perhaps a fourth curriculum spiral (or if there is not enough time for a complete third curriculum spiral in the year) use this spiral to skip out less important topics and/or topics with fewer layers (such as enlarge).
The more learners know, the more new topics they can learn, so the longer each spiral of the curriculum will take, so don’t worry if only 2 curriculum spirals are possible in a year.
e.g. integer is more important than algebra but no topic can be taught within 6-8 weeks of the last teaching. If possible try to teach an extra spiral of integer relative to the other topic themes. Depending on where holidays fall, teach one or two of the topic themes listed below, then teach integer. It is recommend not to miss out any integer topics unless all learners have mastered them. See below extra integer topics which might be pre assessed. Add these topics to be pre assessed only if any learner has mastered the stated layers from the topics indicated below:
improveXfacts only if beginXfacts (11) is mastered
improveDIVfacts only if beginDIVfacts (8) is mastered
e.g. within algebra prioritise: sequenceArithmetic, simplifyPQ and solvingReady until everybody has mastered solvingReady (6). All other topics are less important than most integer topics
e.g. within FDPR prioritise: decimalFraction, fractionINTRO, fractionOF and numberDIV10etc. All other topics are fine to miss out.
e.g. within geometry/measure prioritise: area, changeUnits, coordinates, volume and angle once angle (5) is mastered. All other topics are fine to miss out.
e.g. within probability/statistics prioritise: discreteGraph, MMMRQseparate and proportionalGraph. All other topics are fine to miss out.
If a class has a wide spread of ability in the second and subsequent years of teaching with timely practice, a bespoke curriculum which balances the key topics that the higher attaining learners should learn with the needs of low attaining learners might mean that e.g. integer and algebra topic themes are taught together in a block and this block is taught more frequently than the other topic themes. Here is an example of such a SOL
algebra and integer
algebra and integer
reduced geometry/measure
algebra and integer
reduced FDPR
reduced probability/statistics
4th curriculum spiral
If time teach a 4th curriculum spiral with integer prioritised.