Independent guidance on teaching + timely practice's fit
This page is the parent page to a number of pages on how timely practice fits with well respected guidance on improving teaching, whereas the Research page is the parent page to research which tells teachers what the effects of doing particular activities are, but is less concerned about how the teacher might apply them in their teaching.
The EEF, Education Endowment Foundation, is an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement.
Follow each link to see what their recommendations are, and how timely practice fits with these recommendations.
School planning support 2022-23: EEF's guidance
Improving Mathematics in KS 2 and KS3: EEF's guidance
Teacher Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning: EEF's guidance
Sec Ed
Sean Harris
Make retrieval routine: timely practice's primary function
Deal with distractions: timely practice time allows each learner a quiet space and time each lesson to fully concentrate on their learning.
Consolidate the concepts: our more tightly spiralled curriculum makes learning easier, most topics are consolidated and added to a number of times a year and this has the benefit of minimising the negative effects of absence from school.
Find time for feedback: timely practice’s secondary function. Every lesson the teacher has 10 to 20 minutes to concentrate entirely on feedback. The teacher quickly gets very good at feedback in general and to each individual learner.
Champion the child: there is nothing more empowering than success, and success is far easier to achieve with timely practice. A great activity for learners to do, perhaps termly, is to look back at their timely practice assignments a term/year ago. If need be point out to learners, that it isn’t that a term/year ago the “work I had was so easy” but that they have made “great progress” in the past term/year.