Improving Mathematics in KS 2 and KS3: EEF's guidance
- 1 Introduction
- 2 R1: Use assessment to build on pupils’ existing knowledge and understanding
- 3 R2: Use manipulatives and representations
- 4 R3: Teach pupils strategies for solving problems
- 5 R4: Enable pupils to develop a rich network of mathematical knowledge
- 6 R5: Develop pupils’ independence and motivation
- 7 R6: Use tasks and resources to challenge and support pupils’ mathematics
- 8 R7: Use structured interventions to provide additional support
- 9 R8: Support pupils to make a successful transition between primary and secondary school
These 8 recommendations are based on research findings which will make a significant difference to pupils' learning.
R1: Use assessment to build on pupils’ existing knowledge and understanding
Assessment should inform the planning of future lessons and the focus of targeted support.
Teachers should only ever teach small bites on firm learning foundations.
Timely practice can be used to measure progress as well as attainment. Measuring progress to find out how effectively teaching using the existing scheme of learning increases attainment, is easy to do with timely practice.
R2: Use manipulatives and representations
We create ladders through topics, the layers. Timely practice has many layers in many topics, where one layer uses a representative within the question and the next layer has similar questions but without the representative - of course the learner can continue to use the representative when it is helpful, but dispense with representatives, when they no longer need them.
R3: Teach pupils strategies for solving problems
This is one area where we don’t entirely concur with EEF, we believe that learners should only be asked to solve problems, when they have mastered all the pre requisite skills. Despite having devoted an entire topic theme, word problems, to problem solving, we don’t think that all learners should be expected to solve problems, yet. Of course sometimes learners should practice problem solving, whilst learning the topics - as part of the natural progression through the topic - some layers, when appropriate, in a topic require problem solving.
R4: Enable pupils to develop a rich network of mathematical knowledge
We often use representatives to make links between topics e.g.
We improve recall of maths facts by breaking these down into small bites e.g. beginXfacts
Understand procedures e.g. multiply fractions,
Every maths lesson learners must choose, a good enough procedure, to answer their timely practice questions. Feedback from the teacher on selecting a better method, helps learners make progress
We use proportional triangles, proportionality lines and boxes to make proportionality more concrete.
We teach fraction and decimal lines which extend beyond one, very early on in topics e.g. fractionINTRO
Recognise mathematical structure: e.g. we use prime factor trees extensively to help learners, learn times table facts, simplify fractions, find all the factors …
R5: Develop pupils’ independence and motivation
With timely practice learners need to answer questions for 5 to 15 minutes every maths lesson, on “a mixed bag of topics” such as is found in exam papers - but the questions are all questions that each learner can do - knowing this learners are willing to dig a little deeper to complete their work independently. Opportunities for feedback-dialogue are high and these make excellent opportunities for teachers to help learners deal with the emotional response to being wrong.
We strongly believe that there is evidence to increase positive attitudes, motivation, and that is to ensure high success, timely practice enables most learners to be able to answer independently and accurately over 80 percent of their questions, which we’ve found does improve motivation.
R6: Use tasks and resources to challenge and support pupils’ mathematics
Questions make excellent tasks. Questions which are on the learners' firm learning foundations are most effective.
Sometimes we want to provide variety - cool down - makes an opportunity to continue embedding learning and providing different types of tasks.
R7: Use structured interventions to provide additional support
Timely practice is built to provide a way of teaching which is very likely tutoring within the maths classroom. Although schools might want to add in extra lessons for a minority of learners:
when learners are exceptionally behind their peers
when learners have emotional reasons for working in smaller groups
when spacing of maths lessons leaves too large a gap between maths lessons
… often timely practice is enough to help low attaining learners begin to flourish in the maths classroom and catch up with their more highly attaining peers.
R8: Support pupils to make a successful transition between primary and secondary school
We believe that the “dip in mathematical attainment” after the summer holiday, between year 6 and year 7, during Covid lockdown is largely due to forgetting, the forgetting which happens day in day out, especially for low attaining learners. If we can dramatically reduce forgetting, and with timely practice we can, then we will see less of a dip.
The best way to transition from year 6 to year 7 for maths, in our opinion, is to schedule a cool down after year 6 SATs where learners continue their timely practice for perhaps 10 minutes per lesson - to embed their current learning - but take a well deserved rest form new learning. Project work, art and maths, cross curricula work can be done for the majority of these lessons. Then when learners arrive in year 7, their teacher has their timely practice records already in their class records. No need for testing, just a little bit of feedback and review on work that has been forgotten and straight into learning on existing learning foundations.