decode and use verbal clues
One of a number of tried and tested technique for teaching work that learners find hard to learn found in teaching tricks and tips
The plan for this page is to build up examples as above and include links to "teaching Higher work to Foundation learners" videos and more easy on the eye learner "remind-me" videos. For now though here is a list of situations where showing learners how to decode and use verbal clues has helped.
A simple example is the link between long and length, wide and width and high and height.
By showing learners how we take the short word and change and extend the words, makes the link clear to learners.
long → loength
wide → wideth
high → height
- long→length etc changeUnits: m2cm
percentage of with a calculator
- % of CALC problems - "percent of" means percent CALC: 17%
an expression in terms of
- sequences page 2 5n write an expression in terms of n for ...
sequence term has 2 different meanings in maths
- sequences page 1 NC quick find an expression for the nth term
mean, median, mode and range
Many teachers and learners use these short cuts to remember the difference between the mean, median and mode
mean = it's mean to make you work this out without a calculator
mode = most
median = middle
range - not the same as the english language meaning
- MMMRQ range ( from 1 minute to 1:53)
25 and 52 are different and what they mean
standard form: whats the little numbers in the air mean
valueINDEX: what doe evaluate mean?