

One of a number of tried and tested technique for teaching work that learners find hard to learn found in teaching tricks and tips

Enabling scaffolding over time

Often schemes of work hinder scaffolding over time, as topics are only taught in a blocked manner - for example a week on drawing algebra graphs.

With timely practice  it is easier to have schemes of work where topics are revisited several times a year, and on each visit a little more learning is added.

The way topic are split up into layer enables teachers to use mastery learning by holding back from teaching new harder work before pre-requisite skills are fully mastered.

Each strand within a topic adds only a very small chunk of new learning, so having mastered the first strand, only a little extra new leaning is required to learn the next.

Below are some topic samples which illustrate this principle.

add NC
strand 1 : single + single

Riley got given 9 Valentine's day cards at school.
He received 8 Valentine's day cards in the post.
How many Valentine's day cards did Riley receive altogether?

strand2: single + double

(not teen) - no carry

Alexander is baking.
He uses 5 strawberries to decorate a cake and 64 strawberries to make strawberry jam.
How many strawberries does Alexander use altogether?

strand3: single + teen

- no carry

Lily has 13 hair bands at home.
She buys a packet of 2 hair bands.
How many hair bands does Lily have altogether now?

strand4: double + double

- no carry

Karolina already has 62 stickers.
She gets given 24 stickers and sticks them on a wall.
How many stickers does Karolina have altogether?

strand5: single + teen/double

- UNITS carry

There are 37 passengers on a bus.
At the next stop 5 passengers get on the bus, and no one gets o the bus.
How many passengers on the bus now?

strand 6: teen/double + teen/double

- UNITS carry

There are 54 learners already in the bus queue.
29 learners arrive to join the bus queue.
How many learners are there in the queue now?

strand 7: teen/double + teen/double

- TENS carry

Caz already has 85 soft toys.
She gets given 23 soft toys by her sister.
How many soft toys does Caz have altogether?

strand 8: teen/double + teen/double

- TENS and UNITS carry

There are 89 passengers sitting in a train.
There are 36 passengers standing in the train.
How many passengers in the train?

percent NC

strand 1: 50% of

ONLY even digits

(a) Work out 50% of £ 840

(b) Work out 50% of £ 46

(c) Work out 50% of £ 0.64

strand 2: 50% of

includes odd digits

(a) Work out 50% of £ 87

(b) Work out 50% of £ 520

(c) Work out 50% of £ 15.60

strand 3:

10% of

(a) Work out 10% of £ 54 200

(b) Work out 10% of £ 18

(c) Work out 10% of £ 17.40

(d) Work out 10% of £ 234

strand 4:

50% or 10% ÷ by 2 or 10

or 10% x by 2

1% or 5% or 25% or 20%

(a) Work out 1% of £ 34

(b) Work out 5% of £ 35

(c) Work out 20% of £ 35

(d) Work out 25% of £ 34

strand 5: adding two %

from strand 1 - 4


(a) Work out 75% of £ 160

(b) Work out 30% of £ 4200

(c) Work out 15% of £ 82.00


50% or 10% ÷ by 2 or 10

or 10% x by 2 or 10

more than once

(a) Work out 40% of £ 520

(b) Work out 80% of £ 520

(c) Work out 2% of £ 520

(d) Work out 2.5% of £ 520

strand 7: % of word

problems with calculations

from strand 1 to 6

The headteacher asks 240 learners Year 9 learners about their GCSE options.
20% of the learners chose to study Chinese.
Calculate how many learners chose to study Chinese.

strand 8: % increase

or decrease word problems

with calculations from

strand 1 to 6

 (a) Izzy earns £18 000 per year.
She will have a pay rise of 2.5% next year.
How much will her new salary be?
(b) A fridge-freezer costs £260
Hettie gets 5% off the price of the fridge-freezer.
Work out how much she has to pay for the fridge-freezer.

Notice in each case the first strand is one which a high proportion of year 6 learners can do.

More examples can be found in the sample strands for teachers within download a practise-learn pdf worksheet from learning resources

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