
i.e. sum/difference or +/-

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teaching extra simplify +:- 1 and 2.notebook

NC information

A1 use and interpret algebraic manipulation, including:

  • ab in place of a × b
  • 3y in place of y+y+y and 3×y
  • a2 in place of a×a, a3 in place of a×a×a, a2b in place of a×a×b
  • a/b in place of a÷b
  • coefficients written as fractions rather than as decimals
  • brackets

A4 simplify and manipulate algebraic expressions (including those involving surds and algebraic fractions) by:

  • collecting like terms
  • multiplying a single term over a bracket
  • taking out common factors
  • expanding products of two or more binomials
  • factorising quadratic expressions of the form x2 + bx + c, including the difference of two squares;
  • factorising quadratic expressions of the form ax2 +bx+c
  • simplifying expressions involving sums, products and powers, including the laws of indices