(2) Assess PA (pre assess) only assignments
assess 1st PA only assignment (mp4)
The 3 pre assess assessment options in pre assess are tick, bell and reset
tick | bell | reset |
tick is for a fully independent and accurate answer
bell, stands for best learned later. It is used for an almost (but not fully correct answer) or for a one part correct answer or for a question not answered (but the teacher assumes that the learner has had a chance to read and try to answer the question).
reset is for when the teacher assumes the learner hasn’t had a chance to answer the question e.g. the last few questions of the assignment are all left blank (the learner seems to have run out of time) or e.g. a blank answer line, when a short question is sandwiched between longer questions (the teacher thinks that the learner may not have seen the question). This assessment option can also be used if the teacher can’t quite read the learners answer e.g. a 3 has been changed to a 5 (the pre assess process is not a test, the purpose is to find out what the learner already knows, later the teacher can train the learner in good exam skills).
Create more warm up assignments
Read about the process, rather than watch the mp4s
Key to colour coding used in Plan Teaching
unknown | in pre assess | in pre assess | doesn’t know | fragile | improving | mastered | covered |