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Feedback in timely practice will often “fix learning” better than reteaching the topic next term.

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All school leaders understand the importance of providing meaningful feedback. Done well, it supports pupil progress, building learning, addressing misunderstandings, and thereby closing the gap between where a pupil is and where the teacher wants them to be.

However, not all feedback has positive effects. Done badly, feedback can even harm progress. Nor is feedback ​‘free’. Large amounts of time are spent providing pupils with feedback, perhaps not always productively.

Historically, much consideration has been given to the methods by which feedback is delivered. Specifically, should feedback be written, or should it be verbal? This guidance report aims to move beyond this and focus on what really matters: the principles of good feedback rather than the written or verbal methods of feedback delivery.

The guidance report is based on the best available international evidence, in addition to a review of current practice, and refined through consultation with teachers and other experts.


Feedback in timely practice is directed to answering specific question types independently and accurately.

titlemore detail: direct quotes form the report

There is not one clear answer for when feedback should be provided. Rather, teachers should judge whether more immediate or delayed feedback is required, considering the characteristics of the task set, the individual pupil, and the collective understanding of the class.

Feedback should focus on moving learning forward, targeting the specific learning gaps that pupils exhibit. Specifically, high quality feedback may focus on the task, subject, and self-regulation strategies.

Feedback that focuses on a learner’s personal characteristics, or feedback that offers only general and vague remarks, is less likely to be effective.


The 5 to 15 minutes that teachers set aside every lesson for timely practice (retrieval practice or pre assess) is the best time for one to one feedback-dialogue.

titlemore detail: direct quotes form the report

Careful thought should be given to how pupils receive feedback. Pupil motivation, self-confidence, their trust in the teacher, and their capacity to receive information can impact feedback’s effectiveness. Teachers should, therefore, implement strategies that encourage learners to welcome feedback, and should monitor whether pupils are using it.

Teachers should also provide opportunities for pupils to use feedback. Only then will the feedback loop be closed so that pupil learning can progress.


We recommend teacher only give verbal feedback and use the time freed up to do assessment.

titlemore detail: direct quotes form the report

Written methods of feedback, including written comments, marks, and scores, can improve pupil attainment; however, the effects of written feedback can vary.

The method of delivery (and whether a teacher chooses to use written or verbal feedback) is likely to be less important than ensuring that the principles of effective teacher feedback (Recommendations 1 – 3) are followed. Written feedback may be effective if it follows high quality foundations, is timed appropriately, focuses on the task, subject, and/​or self-regulation, and is then used by pupils.

Some forms of written feedback have also been associated with a significant opportunity cost due to their impact on teacher workload. This should be monitored by teachers and school leaders.


We recommend teacher only give verbal feedback and use the time freed up to do assessment.

titlemore detail: direct quotes form the report

Verbal methods of feedback can improve pupil attainment and may be more time-efficient when compared to some forms of written feedback.

However, as with written feedback, the effects of verbal feedback can vary and the method of delivery is likely to be less important than ensuring the principles of effective teacher feedback (Recommendations 1 – 3) are followed.


In classes using timely practice, teachers should only be expected to assess timely practice assignments (not practise-learn worksheets, nor end of unit tests).

titlemore detail: direct quotes form the report

Enacting these recommendations will require careful consideration and this implementation should be a staged process, not an event. This will include ongoing effective professional development.

Schools should design feedback policies which promote and exemplify the principles of effective feedback (Recommendations 1 – 3). Policies should not over-specify features such as the frequency or method of feedback.