Warm up top tips

“We are finding out what will be easiest and most valuable to teach next”.

Whilst you are trying to answer these questions, you will also be revising - because the process of trying to answer makes anything you already know be easier to remember in the future.

The section Already Learned and Remembered? describes what the app is finding.

You will find:

  • some questions which are easy or even very easy for you,

  • some questions which you can answer or almost answer,

  • some questions which are too hard for you.

Look at your assessed assignment and see

  • all the questions you got correct - be pleased with yourself - knowing you a question right will help embed it more deeply

  • all the questions you didn’t get fully correct - don’t get upset - acknowledging errors, will make learning easier when your teacher begins to teach you this topic.

Look at your new assignment - it will only have questions in the Already Learned and Remembered? section.

Try to read and answer all the questions … but if you are stuck you may:

  • ask a teacher to read a word/phrase/question to you,

  • ask the teacher to write down what you say (scribe for you),

  • have a guess - sometimes your guess might be correct,

  • write a ? in the answer space,

  • write a message to your teacher e.g. “I forgot what median means” or circle the word median and put a ? in the answer space.

You are NOT allowed to ask your peers/your teacher/other adults to

  • tell you the answer,

  • read the question and help you more by pointing to something on the page.

Please don’t try and “sneak extra help” from teaching assistants - their job is to help you learn, not help you have the correct answers on the page - and the best way to help you learn is to find out what you already know.

If your peers/your teacher/other adults give you more help than allowed, it will make it harder for you to learn.

The app isn’t judging you, it only wants to find out what you’ve Already Learned and Remembered

It’s OK to have forgotten, timely practice is made to help you remember maths learning from now on, so you won’t forget the maths you learn next. However, before the teacher can use timely practice to teach, the teacher will need to find out what you already know.