Phase 2 top tips

“We're finding out what will be easiest and most valuable to teach next”

“We’re finding out how well you can recall recent learning, so that you can recall it more easily in the future”

Look at your assessed assignment and see

  • all the questions you got correct - be pleased with yourself - knowing you a question right will help embed it more deeply

  • all each question assessed with an asterisk, *, this is your opportunity to get free tutoring, to help you get similar questions perfect next time

    • don’t get upset - acknowledging errors, will make learning easier,

    • look at each of these question and decide:

      • can you answer it now, perhaps you missed the question out by mistake?

      • can you see an “oops” in your workings out? if so, you may circle it or fix it,

      • did you “mis-copy” some of the numbers from the question? if so, you can circle the errors or fix them,

      • do you need some feedback-dialogue with a teacher in the room? + does that teacher need to be a paid teacher?, if so, get help or make it easy to find the question for when its your turn for help e.g. write page 2, Q7 at the end of last lesson’s assignment

      • is there a question that you think is best learned later? - if so - find a similar question in your new assignment and write bell or draw the bell symbol instead of an answer.

Begin answering questions in your new assignment

  • are there any questions you need to have feedback from last assignment before you answer? - write e.g. page 1, Q3 at the end of your new assignment, to remind yourself to return to the question,

  • if you are stuck, look to see is the question in the Already Learned and Remembered? section - this means it's a pre assess question - you can write a ? in the answer space and miss it out,

  • if you need help on questions in the timely practice section, it’s ok to ask for help - your teacher will write a feedback symbol beside the answer line - this will mean you get help when you need it, but the app won’t think you could easily answer. Instead the app will give you another practice question sooner (so you are much more likely to be able to answer a similar question independently and accurately in your next assignment),

  • is there a question in the timely practice section that you think is best learned later? if so, tell your teacher by writing bell or drawing the bell symbol instead of an answer - although if you do this too often, your teacher won’t always listen to you!

  • you are allowed to ask your peers/your teacher/other adults to read words or sentences to you - and they won’t use the feedback symbol.

Teachers and teaching assistants expect you to answer each question independently, if you don’t answer your questions independently then you won’t make progress.

Please don’t try and “sneak extra help” from teaching assistants - they will record the feedback symbol beside the answer line and your teacher will know!