Feedback is more important than new teaching - this can be understood by thinking about summing fractions. Suppose the teaching and practice of a new layer takes 20 minutes of lesson time, then - providing the layer is not best learned later - the sum of all the minutes that the 

an extreme case:  a learner who will usually forget the new learning that they learned last lesson. 

extreme case

If time spent each lesson re-teaching or reminding the learner what they have forgotten, will mean that soon the learner will able to recall that learning in the future, then that time is well spent. What will be the point of teaching the learner more on new layers, when they will forget their learning by the next lesson? We are better 

In an extreme case like this, we may need to remind learners more than once about any single layer before the learner can remember - between one lesson and the next - what they learned last lesson. Sometimes 

As timely practice does it's primary job, embedding learning, less time and effort will need to be spent each lesson on it's secondary job, making feedback more likely to be effective.

re-teaching or reminding that layer until before long the learner can remember that learning between one lesson and the next. 


For the extreme case, and to a lesser extent all learners, it is important to ensure that the learner can answer considerably more questions independently than they need help with.

So sometimes the teacher may decide not to teach new learning to the learner, but instead focus on embedding current learning.