This topic is really a must know for everybody in education.

Quick summary

Increasing interval retrieval practice requires:

Most schools use a scheme of learning which requires teachers to teach each topic within a few days. During those few days the learners practise questions on what they have just learned, but do no more practice until they encounter the topic again in an end-of-unit or end-of-year test. Concentrating the practice at the point of teaching is called blocked learning or overlearning.

timely practice was devised to enable retrieval practice to be used by teachers. With timely practice some practice questions are done by learners directly after teaching (blocked practice or overlearning) and some are spread out over the following lessons (the retrieval practice). The timely practice app gives each learner close to optimal spacing but typically spacing might be do another question 1 day after teaching, another question 2 days after that, then after 3 more, 5 more, 8 more days (i.e. approximately Fibonacci).

The spacing tries to ensure that

Soon what they have been taught becomes deeply embedded in their memory, yet remains readily accessible.

We say the learner has mastered that learning. Once mastered that learning becomes firm foundations for future learning.

(1) Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve

We have a cultural misunderstanding of learning within schooling - that learning is either secure or not.

However what we assess as secure within a few days/weeks/months of teaching may very well not be secure after a year or more.

As people we know that e.g. some of what we learned in our degree or the names of everyone in our class when we were in year 7, will be forgotten or partially forgotten without use, but as teachers and schools we prefer not to think of teaching and learning as so ephemeral. As with most progress, we must acknowledge and attempt to quantify the problem, before we can begin to solve the problem: I teach, you learn, they forget.

Ebbinghaus did a lot of work on learning and forgetting

If we learn something and don’t use it, we will forget it.

We - over a century later - often think of this in graph form.

Learners retain the learning of a lesson, for very different durations.

In the graph below we see the curves of learners who will forget

Not all low attaining learners forget within a week - but many do, not all high attaining learners retain new-learning for over a month - but many do. Improving learners' recall of learning will help many learners to improve their attainment. How we do this will vary.

Looking at the forgetting curves in the graph above - we suggest that learners who forget:

(2) after success - increase the interval between one practice and the next

After a question is assessed with a tick within the app

Each question is from the layer, and we assume that success on any question indicates some level of mastery on all similar questions within the layer.

With successful retrieval practice we are improving the recall of the faster forgetter (e.g forgets within 2 days), with a few retrieval practice questions (e.g. 5 retrieval practice questions) until they can remember as the best rememberers do (e.g. for over 4 weeks)

Over time, the fastest forgetter with retrieval practice can remember for longer than the best rememberer without retrieval practice. After a few more retrieval practice questions the interval (the wait between one practice and the next) will become several years. Often layers no longer need to be practised, because harder layers now cover the same learning.

(3) after failure - give feedback and decrease the interval between one practice and the next

After a learner has attempted a retrieval practice question and doesn’t get it completely correct

The app doesn’t need to know the reason why the learner couldn’t independently and accurately answer the question - but the teacher may like to bear in mind possible reasons - see chunk-based theory - as they give feedback.

Here are some graphs, to show how the timely practice app adjusts the interval between practices as a response to

Feedback required due to poorly spaced lessons/learner absence

Minimal feedback requirement

Despite well spaced lessons some feedback is needed

The teacher is very persistent with feedback - on this occasion it pays off.

More about questions that need feedback after they are asked very late

Since most secondary classes don’t have maths lessons 7 days a week, the app can only do its best. When a layer is asked very late, sometimes feedback is required, sometimes revising or reteaching is required. The pitfalls to avoid are:

Sometimes we may be able to predict that most learners won’t be able to recall learning e.g. from the last maths lesson before a half term holiday, to the first maths lesson after the holiday. The teacher may prefer to

Rest assured, even the most low attaining learners e.g. year 8 students who can’t work out 43 + 10, manage to learn with imperfect lesson spacing.

However the lowest attaining learners can also benefit from extra short practice assignments within the week and/or for homework if family support is available, to help fill the gaps created by poorly spaced lessons.

Once we can see learning slipping away to forgetting - by our assessment of retrieval practice - we can begin to find ways to reduce this.